Many of us have heard the saying “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”. Though it’s very unclear as to what this saying may actually be talking about, I feel it has to do with love, and the problems that arise throughout the course of a relationship. Whether you want to believe it or not, in most relationships people do make mistakes: cheating, lying and even stealing from their loved ones. The problem is most young women in college become so infatuated with their significant other that they continuously take them back into their lives, disregarding the horrible way their loved one makes them feel. They make up excuses to justify their actions to make this on going cycle continue. So when do you forgive, and when do you say forget it?
I think the above quote plays a crucial role in deciding whether or not to keep this person in your life, based on the amount of times they may have hurt you. EVERY ONE and I mean EVERY ONE makes mistakes, and believe me no relationships is ever, or will ever be perfect. Yet, you have to realize that someone drunkenly kissing another girl is a very different situation than having a secret relationship with another women for the first 2 years you are dating. Cheating is never a word we want to hear when it comes to relationships, yet sometimes people are caught in the moment and make a mistake. In my opinion, this is no reason to completely throw your partner to the curb and disregard everything you have experience in your relationship so far. Love takes work, and beyond cheating, no matter what your problems may be, you need to realize that if it were you in their shoes you would, as well as they do, want a second chance at a relationship that could be great. I have known many people who have hit serious bumps in the road, cheating, breaking up consistently due to flirting with other college women, and now they have been together for years beyond after working through their differences. Every one deserves a second chance, and in this case you need to FORGIVE.
Now I have also known many couples that have been going out for over 2 years, and for the past year their significant other had been having another relationship on the side with a different woman, right under their noses! Now instead of realizing the not only constant lying and hurt they were bringing into her life, she instantly just thinks of how she can’t live without him, and how she needs to forgive him. Ladies, YOU CAN live without a man, you CAN move on from the jerk who thought he could two time you, and still crawled into your bed with you every night saying he loved you. No one deserves to be second best, and if continuous hurt and cheating is part of your relationship, then you need to FORGET him now, and get out there to find “Mr. Right”, instead of “Mr. I’ll be right back- I’m at my other girlfriend’s”.