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Ways to Get Rid of the Blacksburg Winter Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

This blog might seem a little late considering it is April. However, spring has not yet sprung in Blacksburg so I still think it is still appropriate. Don’t get me wrong, I love Virginia Tech. I love Tech athletics, I love the campus and I love being a Hokie. I would not change my college choice for anything in the world. Let’s be honest, though, we all know the long winters of Blacksburg can get a little bland. Here are a few tips to skip the winter blues.

1)     Go outside whenever it’s nice. No really, WHENEVER. Even if it’s just sitting outside your dorm or apartment for 15 minutes to get some reading done, being outside in the sun will lift your spirits automatically.

2)     Eat your favorite summer snacks: cheese puffs, pineapple, strawberries, a good hamburger, fresh lemonade, watermelon, anything that reminds you of your tan days by the pool.

3)     Remind yourself that if the weather was nice, it would suck more to spend your days in the library and the empo.

4)     Get out of town for the weekend to get a change of pace. Go visit your friends at other schools or go on a day trip somewhere. Even if it’s just up to Roanoke to go shopping or see a show, take yourself out of Blacksburg.

5)     Wear bright colors randomly during the winter; who cares if you look like a highlighter?

6)     Get a workout in a few days a week. It releases endorphins which in turn make you happier. Not to mention, a few minutes on the treadmill will get you ready for swimsuit season.

7)     Load up your iPod with your favorite summer jams. A little reggae and some Dave Matthews do it for me but it’s all up to you.

8)     People always say if you think you look good then you’re going to feel good. Give it a shot. Skip the sweatpants and pajama jeans for a day or two and see if you feel a little more upbeat.

9)     Search for your summer tickets early. Baseball games, outdoor concerts, amusement parks, festivals, you name it. Ticket prices will be lower and it will take your mind off the cold weather for a little while.

10)  Look through your pictures from last summer (yep, Facebook creep on yourself) and remember all of your favorite times. Think about everything you want to do again this summer and new things that you want to try.

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Laura Baugh

Virginia Tech

Laura Baugh is a senior at Virginia Tech where she is double majoring in Communications and Film. When not busy with school, Laura enjoys editing film and video, being the general manager at VTTV, spending time with her amazing sisters in Gamma Phi Beta, playing her guitar, and reading Her Campus! She is also obsessed with her school's athletics. Go Hokies!