Name: Jeremy Klein
Age: 21
Major: Dual in Finance and Management
Hometown: Needham, MA
Siblings? Older sister Sarah
What sports do you:
A) play: Soccer for Northeastern
B) watch: basketball, soccer, football, baseball and hackeysack when those kids are doing it on the quad
C) believe isn’t a sport: NASCAR – nearly everyone can drive.
What’s your favorite bottled water? – I prefer Boston tap water, it builds character.
What’s your dream vacation destination and who would you go with? I have a couple – one would be the Grand Canyon with someone special. We’d do some hiking, stay in a hostel in the canyon. I think that’d be a lot of fun and romantic because you could be so alone/get lost with someone in a giant rock, which you can’t do that often. Another would be Sydney, Australia with a group of friends to see the beautiful country, as well as party in a brand new city!
What’s your biggest accomplishment:
A) in life: My biggest accomplishment would be making Northeastern’s varsity soccer team and being enrolled in the honors program. I’m proud of my dedication to things I care about, and the time I put into those things to get the most out of them. Also, I can beat anyone in Super Mario Smash Bros using jigglypuff.
B) this month: Realizing that my friends from home are graduating college and that I have an extra year – thank you NU!!
Favorite pick-up line? Have you ever used it?
me: “How much does a polar bear weigh?”
girl: “How much?”
me: “Enough to break the ice. Hi, I’m Jeremy.” – Unfortunately, I’ve never used that seriously, but I plan on it, how could it not work???
What is the first thing you notice about a girl? I have to respond with a few things: one, her smile. I love it when a girl’s smile makes me smile regardless of what I’m thinking/feeling. Two, how she carries herself. I like a girl with confidence. And three, if she can seamlessly insert herself into a group conversation/setting. A major turn off when girls have trouble doing that and feel uncomfortable when they’re not right with you. Obviously, that’s more than just the first thing I notice about a girl, but had to get it off my chest.
What’s your ideal first date? It’d be on a weeknight, not Friday, so Monday through Thursday. I feel like that takes some of the pressure off and in a place where you don’t feel isolated, like a bar or a place with live music. That way if the convo goes stale there is something to look at it besides your food. Maybe somewhere I’ve been before, not necessarily on a date, but just somewhere I feel comfortable so it is not extra awkward looking for bathrooms. In all seriousness my ideal first date most likely involves a Luau Salad from the Cheesecake Factory, maybe some Coldstone after it, and perhaps even a walk along the reflection pool for some final time to make a decision whether or not to call her again.
What feminine fashion trend do you not understand? – Anything fur, especially vests.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.