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Get to know the staff: Audrey Kittrell

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Get To Know Me:
Audrey Kittrell
Nickname: Aud
Year: Junior
Major: Journalism and Psychology
Hometown: Cedar Falls, Iowa
Motto:  Romance Exists. (My blog www.romanceexists.wordpress.com)
Dream Job: Editor at a major women’s magazine. Cosmo, call me!
My Favorite Spot to Study: Anywhere close to a coffee source! But between classes when the weather is nice, I love to sit in the T. Anne Cleary Walkway.  The trees and benches make a nice getaway.
Plans after Iowa: Try with all my might to find a magazine journalism job, and if all else fails, continue traveling the world with a notebook and pen in hand.

Nicole Lumbreras is a junior at University of Iowa, class of 2012, studying Journalism and Sociology. Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Nicole loves to explore new restaurants, see live music and attend sporting events. Nicole loves to travel, dance, write in her blog and takes pleasure in the art of photography. Nicole loves to spend time with her friends and family, and when time allows she will get her fill of Bad Girls Club, Glee, So You Think You Can Dance, and Grey's Anatomy. Nicole recently got foot surgery and rediscovered running; her goal is to run a half marathon before she is 25. After college she plans to move into the city (Chicago) with a American bulldog, attend graduate school at night and hopefully write for Chicago Magazine or another fun and upcoming project.