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Getting Out of J & H: Where to Eat On Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

 When going to eat your first meal at Temple University, the dining hall at Johnson and Hardwick looks huge, with an assortment of all different food to please everyone.  Everything one can think of is available; a salad bar, sandwich bar, tacos, pizza, vegetarian options, international options, and the ‘balanced way’ options which provide a more balanced choice for those who wish to have their meal proportioned correctly with the right foods.  However, the excitement of having a better cafeteria then in high school eventually wares off, and when looking for something to eat, no matter the choices, none seem as appealing as they were in those first few weeks.

Then you turn to the Student Center, where instead of cafeteria style, the place is set up more like a food court, with a Brick Oven Pizza, Charleston Market, Wrap-Up, Auntie Anne’s, Einstein Bagels, Dos Manos and more, this is the best place for grab and go. This all sounds great, but just like in J&H, after a while, the choices bore you, as well as the fact that service can be very slow, and what turns into a way to get food fast before a class, becomes 20 minutes for something, with maybe only 2 people in front of you in line. 

So, the options soon lead to the streets, and around campus. Here’s my list of my favorite places to get food.

  1. The Crepe Truck: Outside Tyler School of Art on Norris Street:

This truck has got to be one of my favorites when stepping outside the meal-plan fooderies.  The crepes are delicious and can be made-to-order, or you can select from a list of different kinds they have.  Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert crepes are all available, and the truck stays open until 8 pm.  The guys working in the truck are always friendly. While waiting for the crepes you can be sure to hear classic rock hits from 102.9 MGK, which is practically always blaring from the truck. There are a few tables and chairs outside where you can sit, which are great for those warm weather days.  The crepes are not expensive; however, cash is needed, so diamond dollars will not work. 

2. The Sexy Green Truck: On Montgomery outside the Student Center:
This truck lives up to its name, it’s a green truck filled with all different kinds green options you can imagine.  The menu has a lot of options, so eating healthy, as well as getting a different meal each time is always a plus.  The line can be long at times, especially if you go during the lunchtime rush.  But that is only because the line is worth the wait.  Once again, it is an inexpensive truck, worth the money, but cash is needed, so make sure if you choose this, you do not go without stopping by the bank. 

 3. Richie’s: Outside between the Tech and Anderson:

In a outdoor food court, Richie’s supplies wraps and sandwiches, as well as breakfast sandwiches.  No matter if it is you’re first time or you go to Richie’s everyday, he always greets with a huge smile, as if he has always known you.   The food does not take that long to make and is always enjoyable.  Unlike many other places, Richie’s takes diamond dollars, which makes it easy and simple for the necessary quick lunch before having to go work on a paper at the Tech Center.
Overall, Temple’s campus offers a variety of food that is not a part of your meal plan.  So get out and explore a little! 

Jaimee Swift is a Senior majoring in Communications. One of her many dreams is to become a broadcast journalist and to meet and work with the infamous Anderson Cooper. Her hobbies include reading everything in sight, running, dancing crazily, laughing uber hard, watching movies, and consuming as much juice as possible. Jaimee is so overjoyed to be a part of such a magnificent site such as Her Campus Temple University. Ever since the days of her youth, she has strives to make a difference and bring positive change to all that she touches. She still holds on to that mindset and hopes to bring positivity and creativity to Her Campus Temple University!