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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.


Name: Andrew Estock
Year: Junior
Environmental systems engineering
Norristown, Pa.
Relationship status:

Andy, a future engineer, is very studious and has big plans after college. But, don’t think this campus cutie spends all his time hitting the books.  Andy also finds time to play soccer and hang out with his friends on the weekends.

What is your dream job?
I hope to work for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) some day.

Dating deal breaker?
My biggest pet peeve with girls is when they only talk about themselves.

If you could be any TV show character, who would you be?
Dwight Schrute

Celebrity man crush?
John Krasinski, I love his character in “The Office”

Proudest moment?
Getting into Penn State main campus