Are you considering graduate school immediately after graduation? These tips will help you reflect on your reasons for continuing your education.
If you have a concrete sense of what career you want to pursue, and an advanced degree is required, then graduate school is for you.  University teaching, medicine and law are areas in which advanced degrees are required. Or, if you’re truly passionate about a particular discipline, then advanced studies will probably be a valuable experience for you.
However, for most college students, the decision to continue school is not always clear-cut.  While it’s a common dilemma, it can ultimately become a bigger problem at the graduate level because you are expected to have defined interests in an area of specialization.
Tips To Consider Before Entering Graduate School:
- Get some work experience after graduating. Work experience can enhance your application credentials. In some cases, admissions committees of professional schools view work experience as “interesting” and it can enhance your application.
- Choose the right program for you. Take some time after graduation to really consider the path you’d like to take. This could be especially helpful when you don’t know exactly what you want to do after graduation.
- Take some time to explore schools. Find a school that is the right fit for you. Make sure you do your research, especially since graduate school can be very pricey.
- Save your money. By working and taking time off after graduation, you can save up for graduate school.
- Evaluate your application. Make sure you have all the necessary requirements before applying.
- Take an admissions exam. Most graduate schools require some sort of exam before applying (MCAT, LSAT, GMAT, GRE).
- Make sure graduate school is what you want. Not only does graduate school require a lot of work, but you also must be prepared for the career you want to pursue. Make sure you’re going to grad school for the right reasons.