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How To: Keep Your Relationship Fresh & Exciting

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Many of us may have realized at least once during our long-term relationship that the excitement and adventure eventually disappears. It starts out with thrilling dates, meeting your significant others family and friends, and experiencing many “firsts” together. When the one year mark hits, things may begin to feel routine and your emotions suddenly end up taking a wild turn. All of the sudden, you feel irritated and annoyed instead of anxiously awaiting to greet your man with endless amounts of affection and love. Once couples set into a routine, both individuals become lazy and too comfortable. Do not fear: there are simple ways to keep your relationship feeling brand new—the added plus? The relationship will continuously feel fresh and exhilarating but you will be experiencing it with someone you have grown to know and love for a long time. Take these ideas into consideration to combat routine and boredom. Embrace the “first date” sparks that will reappear for you and your man!
1. Work Out Together: Of course, as women, we like to work out on our own for a quick run on the treadmill or a late night yoga session. But when working out with your significant other, you may find the lethargy and laziness of your relationship disappearing. Working out keeps both of you feeling good and energetic and may even open up new doors for you as a couple. Instead of the repetitive cardio routine—try something new. With spring well on its way, map out a new route and go for a long run exploring new sites of your city. Or try a different class that you never considered: spinning, yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, crossfit, or even a dance class. Salsa is a sexy and lively dance that can definitely spice things up for the two of you. Working out will ensure the two of you remain enthralled by one another. Get up and work those bodies!
2. Date Night: It is inevitable—as a couple, you may go out to dinner a few nights a week where it feels like “just another meal” instead of a planned and unique date. Schedule a specific night, whether it’s every two weeks or once a month, and make sure to stick to it. This will ensure both of you dedicate 100% of your attention toward one another—nothing else will seem to matter except that you are together. This date is not intended to be some extravagant occasion where you go sky diving or fly up in a hot air balloon together. Sure—these dates sound amazing, but save these for vacations or surprises. The simplest and most low-key dates could turn out to be the best—try grabbing coffee together and catching up on one another’s lives, bowling a couple games and grabbing a few beers together or even hitting up a local pub and shooting pool. These may seem traditional, but when it is just the two of you and no one else, anything you do together will be fun and enjoyable.
3. Pack up & Get Away: Sometimes to restore the excitement, you need to just pick up and leave the mundane details of your life. As a couple, choose a new destination that you both want to experience together and book a quick weekend trip! The day-to-day tasks of life (work, school, household cleaning, etc.) can take a personal toll on you and your man. Don’t feel like you need to find the number one ranked bed & breakfast in “Travel & Leisure”—opt for a small cabin at a Midwest ski resort or rent a beach front house in small town Michigan. Think outside the box! Your relationship will definitely benefit from a few days of solid quality time together in a unique and solemn atmosphere.
4. Search for a New Hobby: Relationships are about being with someone who brings out the best in you and who helps expand your horizons and introduces you to new and exploratory activities. Try actively participating in various activities you never pictured yourself trying—you never know, you could surprise yourself in finding a new passion! Take up sailing lessons, take a rock-climbing class, try out a cooking class, or even explore the downtown history museum. There are so many interesting things to do so why not try them out with the person you love? Pick out an array of activities together and give them a go! You may even learn more about your significant other and what their hidden fascinations are!
Remember: It only takes a little spontaneity to keep your relationship rolling…
Good luck in keeping the excitement and adventure alive!

Nicole Lumbreras is a junior at University of Iowa, class of 2012, studying Journalism and Sociology. Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Nicole loves to explore new restaurants, see live music and attend sporting events. Nicole loves to travel, dance, write in her blog and takes pleasure in the art of photography. Nicole loves to spend time with her friends and family, and when time allows she will get her fill of Bad Girls Club, Glee, So You Think You Can Dance, and Grey's Anatomy. Nicole recently got foot surgery and rediscovered running; her goal is to run a half marathon before she is 25. After college she plans to move into the city (Chicago) with a American bulldog, attend graduate school at night and hopefully write for Chicago Magazine or another fun and upcoming project.