We spotted Andrea Sarasola relaxing by the Reitz Union in her eye-catching outfit. Wearing an off-the-shoulder white T-shirt, floral genie pants, silver sandals and a cute selection of jewelry, she is definitely a dare devil of fashion. Sarasola, a business administration junior, said she chose the outfit because of the beautiful weather.
What do you like to do in your free time?I go to the gym and hang out with my friends. I’ve also been travelling a lot because I am in the exchange student program (Sarasola is from Spain).
Does anything influence your style? Not really. I buy things I like and just put outfits together.
Style or comfort? Depends on the situation. If I want to look extra cute, I won’t care about being comfortable.
Favorite TV shows? Grey’s Anatomy and Gossip Girl.
Favorite thing to wear? Sandals and flip flops.
Most-wanted item? A Louis Vuitton bag — but I’d have to work for that.