Hi again! Today I want to talk about the dorms or their formal name, the residence halls. Living in the dorms is a truly college experience. Never again will you live with 50 other students or try and fit your entire life into a room the size of a closet.
For me, the first few weeks were a little awkward. I didn’t know anyone on the floor besides my roommate so it felt a little like a ghost town. Now, I can walk into any girl’s room and sit down and talk or watch TV.
As corny as it is, my floor became a family. We’ve been through a lot together from recruitment to finals to just getting adjusted to college life. This freshman is lucky enough to have become best friends with one girl on the floor, so much so that we are living together next year.
Another great aspect of the dorm are all the events and programs the university, floor leadership and building councils provide. My floor has carved pumpkins, ordered more wings and pizza than was ever necessary, had pancakes at midnight before finals week, attended a cereal bar, and had a Super Bowl party. Through all of this, I’ve gotten to know and bond with my floor and had great laughs along the way.
Finally, my RA has now become one of my best friends here at IU. Besides being there for official RA business, he also has made sure everyone on my floor got to know one another and is always willing to help whenever anyone has a problem. Without him, I don’t think my freshman experience would have been so great.
Now, the tables have turned a little bit, and I can give some advice to future freshman.
Take advantage of your time in the dorms. It truly is a great experience, and anytime upper classmen come to visit they always comment on how much they miss the dorms. I never thought that little room could be missed, but I know I’ll be crying when move out day comes.