You walk into a bar and meet a guy who can’t stop talking about how much he loves his girlfriend. A few drinks later and he forgets all about the girlfriend he loves and is trying to take you home. Sound familiar? We’ve all encountered those guys who can’t resist turning on the charm and forgetting about monogamy.
There are so many of us who become “the other woman,” like Nicki, (whose name has been changed), a 21-year-old psychology major. When explaining her story she said, “I met him through mutual friends, and drunkenly hung out. We stayed up all night talking, then texted and finally hooked up. After we hooked up he added me on Facebook, and it said “in a relationship.”
When Nicki asked her new guy about his relationship he told her that they were pretty much broken up because of the long distance. He was in Champaign and his girlfriend was in Chicago. Nicki continued hanging out with the cheater; he cooked her dinner and they had movie nights. Naturally, feelings developed even though he was still with his girlfriend in Chicago. Nicki realized she was just someone on the side for him and pretty soon moved back home for the summer. After trying to text him, she would be ignored and Nicki finally realized how much of a jerk he was and they have since run into each other a few times. He asked why they stopped talking and instead of telling him off, she stayed civil.
Ladies — don’t fall under his spell and pay attention to the signs because there’s nothing worse than “Facebooking” your usual hookup only to find he’s already in a relationship. According to, “it is estimated that roughly 30 to 60% of all married individuals (in the United States) will engage in infidelity at some point during their marriage,” and “that close to 50% of all men will cheat at some point in their lives.” Here are five to tips so you don’t get your heart broken by a cheater.
You know he’s a cheater if…
1. He is protective of his communication devices (Email, Blackberry Messenger, texts and phonecalls)
2. He seems to always be busy and is only free when it is convenient for him.
3. He avoids pictures with you.
4. He checks his phone often.
5. Suddenly has different interests than you.
The moral of the story is if he seems sneaky, there is probably a reason. Remember, if he is cheating with you, he will probably cheat on you!
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Dressing up for Guys? (They Actually Don’t Even Care!)
Give A Stranger Something to be Thankful For