Well, it’s February. Only a week and a half away to that Hallmark holiday we all know as Valentine’s Day. For some they will probably spend it with their significant other taking a stroll on the beach after their romantic dinner sharing a bowl of spaghetti. Blah, blah, blah. But what about the rest of the population that is currently single? February 14th is just another self-destructive day for single girls to feel depressed about their current Facebook status, aka Singles Awareness Day. But why feel SAD (no pun intended)? We are single. We aren’t committing to a monogamous relationship. Maybe it’s time to enjoy all the reasons that we don’t have another person in our life at the moment.
Here is a list of just a few of the many benefits of being single:
FREEDOM. You can do whatever you want when you want. If you meet a cutie in line at Starbucks, flirt! You won’t feel guilty or worried that your boyfriend will get extremely jealous and feel the urge to beat up this poor guy for not knowing you’re in a relationship.
NEGLECTED FRIENDS. Do you have that friend that all of a sudden got a boyfriend and they just vanished before your eyes? We have all said to ourselves, “I will never let that happen,” but eventually you were found getting cornered in a room by your neglected friends for an “intervention.” So use this freedom of yours and rekindle all those friendships that you may have not seen since before your last ex.
YOU ARE PERFECT. Were you constantly nagged in that last relationship of yours? Had a bad day and instantly your man blamed it on PMS? Did you sometimes feel that you just wanted to wring his neck from his insensitivity to your feelings? Well, think how great it feels to not having your boyfriend point out all your flaws and constantly getting scrutinized for every move you make. We already have our mothers for that, anyway.
LESS STRESS. Holidays and anniversaries and birthdays OH MY! These special gift occasions never seem to end. Think of how much stress and more importantly money that you are saving during college sans boyfriend. 99% of us are broke anyway. Save that money for you. Online shop for a new wardrobe with that hard earned paycheck that you just received. You have enough stress with school and the million other things going on in your life as is.
TIME. College is only four years, excluding those super seniors. That gives us four years to explore who we are and who we want to be for the rest of our lives. How would one know what they like if they have only been with one person? Disclaimer: There are some exceptions, such as those high school sweethearts. But lets face it; this doesn’t happen to most of us. So date around. See what qualities in a man you like and the ones you absolutely can’t stand. One day you will find that keeper.
For those of you that are still itching for a boyfriend, don’t fret if you don’t have one currently; he will come one day. Please refrain from sitting in a room and watch romantic movie after movie while eating Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. As appealing as that might sound. Put Beyonce’s, “Single Ladies” on repeat, grab your friends, and enjoy your life.