BREAKING NEWS: Someone other than Alex Zendejas may have the opportunity to shank field goals next football season.
Jaimie Salazar of Trinity Valley Community College (Texas) verbally committed to Arizona on Sunday after an official visit, according to the Arizona Daily Star.
The sophomore was named a second-team NJCAA All-American for the 2010 season and was his conference’s leading scorer.
Salazar is reported to arrive on campus in June.
“I’m going to go in and compete with the starting kicker now, and hopefully I get the job,” he told the Daily Star.
Translation: “I have two legs and at least one functioning eyeball, so I should be fine.”
Salazar continued, “The coaches really like the height and the distance I can get on my kicks.”
Translation: “I may not be a descendant of the storied Zendejas family, but I can kick a freakin’ PAT.”