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Her Campus Cutie: Aubrey Shoop

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

Her Campus Cutie: Aubrey Shoop

Class Year: 2014

Hometown: West Point, NY

Major: Biology

Minor: Spanish

Relationship Status:  Attached

Interests: My family, my friends, A Cappella music, violin, reading
(non-fiction), ice hockey, movie marathons, and NAPS!

What you look for in a significant other: Well clearly abs, nice hair, and a cute smile are what really count. But seriously, I think you should be with your best friend, somebody who understands you, and takes the good along with the bad. Someone who can deal with all of my craziness and love me on my worst days is a keeper.

What makes Aubrey Aubrey: My insane ability to nap on a moment’s
notice…ask my room mate, 9 times out of 10 from the hours of 1 to 7pm
I’m most likely found sleeping. I’m quick witted and have an intense
love for Christmas music, and I love making other people smile!

Where you can be found on a Friday night: Usually in my dorm room
eating Thai food with my room mate watching Elf, or at home cuddling
with the boyfriend. If I’m feeling really crazy a Friday night might include
a run to Friendly’s for a delicious frozen treat.

Pet peeves: People knowingly not living up to their potential.
Fashion Wise: When people’s bra and panties don’t match…I’m a stickler for matching sets.

Favorite Past Time: Snuggling, napping, drinking tea, reading, zoning
out on Hulu for hours at a time, and Wikipedia wars.

Hidden Talent: I’ve been a competitive figure skater for 8 years.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Hopefully married, maybe with
kids, potentially working with a Warrior Transition Unit as an
occupational therapist…or a Wal-Mart greeter, whatever makes me happy.

Sophie Jasinski is a sophomore English major and Arts and Society minor at Mount Holyoke College. Originally from North Jersey, she spends most of her time in New York City. When Sophie isn’t studying in the library she loves to dance ballet, drink chai lattes, dig through vintage clothes, hang out with friends, and play tennis. Sophie is also a staff writer for the Mount Holyoke News. Last summer, Sophie interned with Donna Karan and hopes to intern for a fashion magazine in New York this summer. Sophie aspires to be the next Anna Wintour. Watch out world!!