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Style > Beauty

Beauty School is officially in session!

Hello beautiful! And welcome to Chrissy’s Beauty School, Her Campus’s new beauty blog! My name is Chrissy and I want you to think of this blog as your playground for everything and anything related to beauty.  

In the weeks and months ahead, I’ll be sharing the best beauty products out there with you and offering my honest opinion on whether or not they’re worth your hard-earned student salary. Because how many times have you seen an ad for a new mascara or shampoo that promised to rock your world but sourly disappointed you? With Chrissy’s Beauty School, you’ll get the chance to preview the latest and greatest products—and a few oldies but goodies—and know that they’re approved by someone you can trust—a fellow collegiette.

I’ll also be talking with the best beauty experts out there (and young women just like you), to get the scoop on the latest in beauty trends, get their opinions on what beauty really means, and find out how they’re making the world beautiful in their own way by working in the beauty industry.

And since we all get most of our beauty inspiration from celebrities, I’ll also be sharing some photos of the best Hollywood beauties out there, commenting on and offering tips for how to achieve their looks on a college budget.  

I’m so excited to be writing this blog and hope you’re excited to read it! This is a blog for you, darling—a fabulous and beautiful collegiette—and I’d love to hear from all of you about your hopes for this blog. Is there a beauty product you’ve been dying to try but didn’t want to fork over the money for fear of being let down? Let me try it for you! Do you have an idea for a story you want to see on the blog? Post a comment or email me at chrissy@hercampus.com

Now step inside, ladies, beauty school has begun. This is unlike any school you’ve ever been to: there’s no homework, no lectures, nothing boring at all. There’s only one thing you have to remember when reading this blog: you are beautiful.

HC Love,


Chrissy Callahan is a double major in journalism and media studies (self-designed) and French and Francophone studies at Brandeis University, graduating December 2010. A Medford, Mass. native, she works in Brandeis' Department of Creative Services, helping edit and maintain the Brandeis website. Before writing and interning for Her Campus, Chrissy was features editor for the student newspaper the Brandeis Hoot for three years. When she's not hard at work, you're most likely going to find Chrissy indulging her passion for shopping, wearing way too much pink, or eating cookie dough ice cream. She also enjoys traveling, and dreams of traveling to Paris frequently for her future career. After graduating, Chrissy hopes to get a job in beauty or fashion journalism.