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Eating Healthy on a Budget: Where to Find Affordable Produce as a Student

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

When you’re a full-time student, it can be easy to slip into the ramen habit. It’s cheap, easy, and doesn’t go bad in a week. While this is great, some vegetables are a nice and healthy addition—if only they didn’t wilt in a week. Below are some tips and tricks to get your veggies in as a student without breaking the bank.

Buy Frozen

If you’re worried about your produce going bad before its use, then frozen is your friend. Costco has a great frozen produce section; however, if transit and distance is an issue, then Thriftys is a good alternative which also provides a great selection closer to campus.

The Root Cellar

Looking for affordable fresh produce? The Root Cellar has it all: from arguably the best dip selection in town to local greens. This store is the best for supporting local farmers, with many of their items made in-store! Whether you need to grab a bunch of celery or purchase more of their green sauce (dangerously good stuff, btw), The Root Cellar is a one-stop shop with easy bus access from campus.

Buy in Bulk and Freeze Leftovers

In Victoria, it’s common to see farmers have an abundance of a given crop, zucchini and blackberries are two examples that come  to mind. But it’s important to note that not all greens can be frozen, so check out this article for an in-depth guide to preserving produce. 

UVic Campus Community Garden

Have you ever wanted to grow your own produce? Well, now here’s your chance! A little known fact is that UVic Campus Community Garden allows for plot rentals right on campus! Although it does take time to grow your own food, it is also one of the cheapest ways to acquire fresh local produce.

UVSS Food Bank & Free Store

The UVSS provides a hamper program for all UVic students in need of groceries, with fresh produce included in the deal. There’s more than just produce! Safer-sex supplies and menstrual items are included in addition to nonperishable food.

Whether you want some greens for your ramen or make a full plant-based dinner, these options will help kick-start your year with a healthy pantry. Have any other suggestions in the Victoria area? Let us know in the comments below!

Savannah is currently in her fourth year at UVic majoring in English and Business! When not swamped with readings, she can be found exploring downtown, drinking way too many pumpkin spice cold brews, reading, and enjoying the experiences UVic has to offer.