With fall break coming up, it can be tempting to book an impromptu trip to Miami for the weekend. Although this is a great idea in theory, planning a trip in the middle of the semester isn’t always realistic. If a plane ticket to Florida isn’t in your future, why not take the long weekend to explore all that Columbia has to offer? Try these out during your staycation in Columbia for fall break!
Have A Picnic
Grab a blanket, a couple of friends, a charcuterie board if you are feeling fancy, and enjoy the fall weather. The best part about picnics is that you can have them anywhere, so you don’t have to leave campus (or even your dorm for that matter.) If you are feeling adventurous, head over to the Horseshoe for the perfect picnic spot!
Go To Soda City!
If you are free on Saturday morning between the times of 9 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., you can head downtown to check out the vendors lining Main Street. Be prepared to eat some of the best food of your life, pet lots of dogs, and leave with a handcrafted product or two.
Go Out To Eat
Columbia has a variety of amazing restaurants to check out, so why not treat yourself to a meal? Some of my favorite places include Publico Kitchen & Tap, Goats, Cantina 76, and Market on Main. You can also take the time to try out a new cuisine! Columbia has restaurants that range from Ethiopian to Indian cuisine, so there are plenty of options to choose from!
Go For A Walk
Walking is one of the best ways to explore new areas. Go window shopping (or real shopping), scope out new restaurants, or just enjoy your surroundings as you walk through the Vista, Five Points, or down Main Street!
Try Something New
Columbia has so many attractions that you may have yet to explore. Try something new this fall break and check some of them out. You can walk through the Columbia Museum of Art, try out axe throwing, or head over to the Riverbanks Zoo and Garden to see some animals!
Although sipping pina coladas underneath a palm tree might sound like the ideal getaway, you can still have a memorable weekend while being a tourist in your own city.