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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Are you feeling stressed about your midterms? Stress and anxiety levels soar during the midterm season at all universities. We all know that one person who is always stress-free and prepared for the test. If you ever feel overwhelmed and do not know how to best prepare for the upcoming midterms then here are five tips to help you become that person before one of your biggest tests of the year.


The most important part of your day is sleep. If you do not make sure you are sleeping at least eight hours per day then you will probably have a hard time studying and staying focused. Moreover, taking care of yourself daily will also help increase your willingness to study more and be the best version of yourself.

#2 tip: make midterm study guides for all your classes

The best way to be prepared for all your exams is to have study guides for them. You need to have them all done at least a week before the exams in order to relax during your exam week. This will help you in order to study 30-50 minutes per day and be ready for your exam day.

#3 Tip: meet with your professors

If you have ever been to any office hours then you know that when you meet with your professors you feel more secure and confident about what you need to study. Professors will help you have a clear image and an understanding of the material that will only benefit you.

#4 Tip: Reduce distractions

Distractions will derail your focus. They will eat up your time and it will be too late to try and make up the time you lost. It is really important to stop procrastinating and do the work in time. That will help you be freer and less overwhelmed. Also, the best way to study is by turning off your phone along with cutting out all other distractions you have.

#5 tip: Take study Breaks

Cut out a thirty-minute slice out of your study time to do whatever you do to relax. It can be either self-care, yoga, exercise, or anything that makes you feel better about yourself.

#6 tip: BE positive

Make sure you never get disappointed and try your best because everything is worth it. Being positive will help you get the grade you want!

My name is Joana Meco, I was born and raised in Greece but I am from Albania. I love sports, Netflix and hanging out with friends.