Since 2016, I have shopped for Pura Vida Bracelets online. I have always been in love with their products, their vibe, and the positive energy they share with the world. When I first laid eyes on their company while scrolling through Instagram, their photographs and advertisements immediately struck my attention. The bright colors and beachy aesthetic were calling my name, especially their infamous teal brand color. I felt like I had found the perfect jewelry brand for me, and I could not find a single product I did not like–I wanted to purchase every product instantly. I eventually narrowed down my choices to a wrap ring with a gold feather on one end and a teal gem on the other; their original silver wave ring; and a blue and teal string bracelet with beads. It’s crazy after making many, many purchases each year, I still remember my initial one! I can still recall that love at first sight when I unwrapped my jewelry in their beautiful packaging, an eco-friendly drawstring bag with free stickers! As you can see, this unboxing experience left a lasting impact and memory.
Throughout the years I have purchased countless Pura Vida bracelets and rings for myself, my friends, and family, whether online or in pop-ups in large stores. Friends and family also buy Pura Vida for me! I was always looking forward to turning 18 so I could sign up for the Pura Vida Ambassador program and have my own discount code to share with friends! Flash forward to now, people mention how Pura Vida reminds them of me, a compliment that always brings me joy! Not only do I love and admire the brand, but I especially appreciate the message Pura Vida promotes and the causes they stand for.

It all started in 2010 when our founders Griff and Paul graduated from San Diego State University and took a trip to Costa Rica, hence the name Pura Vida. They fell in love with the culture and felt a connection to the artisans who were hand-making colorful string bracelets in order to make a living. Paul and Griff rushed to help, by commissioning the local artisans to make hundreds of bracelets and taking them back to San Diego to help sell their work. Immediately, the bracelets sold out and Pura Vida Bracelets began! Since then, the company gives back as artisans around the world are given jobs. Pura Vida also gives back to over 200 charities and supports important causes. Reasons like these are why I love and care about Pura Vida even more because they are all about giving back. The company has been online up until now, so opening their first retail store was a HUGE deal and became a success!
A couple of months ago, as I was scrolling through Instagram, I saw that the brand new Pura Vida store was hiring and looking for Store Associates. Now, I had already known the store was opening at Westfield UTC in La Jolla because I had just finished my first year at UC San Diego. I would always hang out and shop with my friends at UTC, so I was already aware of where the store would be located. I was so excited for Pura Vida to finally have their own set location and not just set up at PacSun or Tillys! It also just so happened that I was looking for a job for my second year at UCSD. So of course, I applied because I felt like it would be a great fit for me! I applied immediately and when I heard I got the job while in Santa Barbara with my family. I was so stoked!

Also, side note: this is 100%, not an ad. I am just a happy customer and now an employee!
I had so much excitement bottled up when entering the Pura Vida Corporate Headquarters in La Jolla Cove (a spot I went to all the time while at UCSD without knowing Pura Vida was right there). ! I was quite literally fangirling over the interior design and decoration inside this beautiful office building. I was beyond excited to meet the team and all of the wonderful people who work there. Everyone greeted me with a warm smile and expressed how excited they are to have employees for the new store. I will always remember this day because it is when I met and became a part of the store’s first retail team. Looking back at those icebreaker moments and meeting each other–us all freaking out at the beautiful view of the ocean and our love for Pura Vida– was definitely something we could all bond over.
Also, side note: this is 100%, not an ad. I am just a happy customer and now an employee!
I had so much excitement bottled up when entering the Pura Vida Corporate Headquarters in La Jolla Cove (a spot I went to all the time while at UCSD without knowing Pura Vida was right there). ! I was quite literally fangirling over the interior design and decoration inside this beautiful office building. I was beyond excited to meet the team and all of the wonderful people who work there. Everyone greeted me with a warm smile and expressed how excited they are to have employees for the new store. I will always remember this day because it is when I met and became a part of the store’s first retail team. Looking back at those icebreaker moments and meeting each other–us all freaking out at the beautiful view of the ocean and our love for Pura Vida– was definitely something we could all bond over.
Opening the store doors at the Grand Opening event was such a great experience! It was amazing to see how many people also love Pura Vida and were down to wait in a three-hour line! Looking back, that day was so fun! Obviously, I love my job, sharing the brand’s story, talking about products, and recommending my favorite ones. In fact, just interacting with people is something I thrive off of. The energy of that day was unmatched, and so many people were able to share in the excitement! I was able to meet so many amazing Pura Vida influencers, talk with many amazing people, see the event team work firsthand, and just share the love!
Since then, I still love coming to work every day, and I am so proud of the founders and the company for doing such great things in the world! So grateful to be part of this!