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Cailey Tervo
Cailey Tervo

You Should Celebrate Every Milestone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

As a college-aged adult, I tend to sit and worry about what my future will look like. I often find myself sitting in my room worrying about where I will be in the next 10 years, or better yet, the next year.  These worries can have a tremendous impact on your mental health.  As a young adult who is in the prime years of getting my life together, it is hard to celebrate the small things I achieve as I am working towards a larger goal.  It is easy to get overwhelmed and put yourself down for not reaching your goals as easily as you would like to.  This is why I have learned to celebrate my milestones.  Every small achievement you have is one step closer to your big goal.  

It is important to live in the present moment and not overlook your accomplishments because you deem them as “small” achievements.  You have to learn to be proud of yourself for everything you have accomplished.  Celebrate the fact that you got into college, celebrate that you got a part-time job, celebrate getting every good grade, celebrate everything.  Believing in yourself is the biggest step in reaching your ultimate goals.  

So, even if you feel like you do not have your life figured out, focus on things you have done that make you happy.  Your mentality will always be your biggest obstacle. Do not spend time dwelling on what you haven’t accomplished, instead focus on everything you have done that has pushed you towards your goals, even if you haven’t quite achieved them yet.  Keeping a positive mindset is what will keep you going. 

I am currently a sophomore at NC State majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Information Technology.