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A Couple of Makeup Brands That Caught My Attention

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

College can get so busy that I sometimes forget to take the time to pursue the things that I love doing. Makeup is one of those passions for me that is so calming and rewarding because I do makeup for myself and for nobody else. It’s a way to take a break from whatever is going on in my life and just focus on creating different looks that I am proud of. I feel like I need to get back into this hobby, so I have been looking into some makeup brands that might be of interest to you as well. Here are two of them.

Em Cosmetics

Michelle Phan is one of the first YouTubers that got me into makeup. I was around 13 years old when I started watching her makeup tutorials, and ever since then, I have admired the different looks she created over the years. When I figured out she created her own makeup brand called Em Cosmetics, I really wanted to try out her products. She recently revamped her brand and came out with so many products that caught my eye. 

About a year ago, I got a lip product called the Lip Cushion Tinted Lip Luminizer in the shade Angèle. It’s a lip balm that adds a nice shine as well as a hint of color to your lips. When I first got it in the mail, it almost looked like lip gloss in the form of a balm, so I was worried that it would be sticky on my lips. However, that was definitely not the case. It’s subtle, it’s buildable, and it actually feels like it’s nourishing my lips. Whenever I am doing a daily makeup look, I always choose to use this particular lip product. 

Live Tinted

A friend of mine was talking about how she wanted to get into makeup, but she didn’t like the idea of using so many products to get the kind of look she wanted. She wanted a product that could simplify her makeup routine, so she ended up giving Live Tinted a chance. She got the Unity Balm Gloss, which is a product that brings out a glow anywhere you need it while also moisturizing the areas you place the product on. Since my friend loved her experience using the product, I wanted to explore the other products that Live Tinted had.

One of the brand’s most popular products is the Huestick. Its main purpose is to be used as a color corrector, but it can also be used on the lips, cheeks, and eyes. I have seen this product so much online and have heard great reviews about it, so the next time I want to buy more makeup, I might buy this product next.

Of course, I am going to keep on checking out other makeup brands, so if I find anything that catches my eye, I’ll definitely let you know!

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Sapna Parihar

U Mass Amherst '23

Sapna is a member of the University of Massachusetts Amherst chapter from the San Francisco Bay Area. She is a junior majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Psychology. Sapna is excited to continue writing about wellness and anything else that revolves around her passions. Her interests include dancing, crocheting, listening to R&B and Pop, and reading self-help books.