A little bit of a far jump from last week, but this week we can’t get enough of the classic game: The Sims 4. The newest rendition of the game, The Sims 4 is one of those games that you rediscover and instantly fall back in love with. Over the past week, the Black Friday sales of both the base game and all of the expansion, game and stuff packs, have led to a lot of people rediscovering their love for the game, including us! Whether it’s playing with households you created years ago or creating something brand new, The Sims 4 is something that we just can’t get enough of.
The Sims 4 is at its core a simulation game where you can create these characters, known as “Sims”, and control their interactions with each other and the world around them. You have full control of a household of up to eight Sims, where you can create their house fully by your own design or choose premade rooms or houses from the gallery. This game is addicting simply because there are so many different ways to play it, and there are so many outcomes that it never gets boring.
The reason this game, that has been around forever, made it as our top pick this week is because of the deals with some of the additional packs that were available. There are three main different kinds of additional content available for purchase with the Sims 4 game: expansion packs, game packs and stuff packs. Expansion packs are the most expensive, and offer the most additional content. These are some of the most popular forms of additional content, as people believe you get the most bang for your buck with them. Most expansion packs come with a new world, and all of them come with new clothes, build items and gameplay. Two of the most well known and popular expansion packs are “Seasons” and “Cats and Dogs”. In “Seasons”, Sims can experience the changing weather, as well as holidays and other seasonal events. “Cats and Dogs” gives you the option to add a furry friend to your family or even open your own vet clinic! The newest of the expansion packs is “Cottage Living”, which we personally haven’t had the chance to play yet, but allows you to raise your own animals and live off the land.
Game packs are the classic mid-tier option, focusing more on the gameplay than stuff packs but offering less features than the expansion packs. Stuff packs are the cheapest option, but only really give you items that you can add to your game. The newest addition to content available to buy is kits, which are somewhat similar to stuff packs, as they are smaller and more affordable options that still add new items to the game. These kits help you elevate the game in the same way as the packs, but focus on adding a new dimension to the lives of your Sims.
Because of the sales on all of the packs this past week, we fell right back into the hole that is Sims 4. We simply can’t get enough of the game, from making the Sims to falling deep into the storylines we create for them. Sims 4 will always be one of those games that keeps their fans coming back, and with the constant release of new content, we don’t see this game going anywhere any time soon.