February is in full swing and that means the ever-impending holiday that brings about so many emotions. Valentine’s day has been one of the least favorite holidays for a long time. The lucky few go out and have a nice dinner or spend it with someone they love. However, the joint population usually spends it with a box of chocolates. This seems to be becoming an increasingly commercialized day for candy companies.
However, there is still hope for us single ladies out there. Even if you don’t have someone special in your life to spend this day with it doesn’t mean you should spend it alone. The idea of single life being your low point should not rain on your parade. Why don’t you go out? Maybe with some friends or even just by yourself and enjoy being alive, even if you are single.
Don’t worry, I’m in your boat as well. I have yet to find the perfect guy for me, but it’s okay. I know it can feel like everyone around you may seem like they are head over heels in love. Sometimes I feel that way myself, one of my best friends just got engaged and another started dating a solid guy. I have to remind myself, and I want to remind all of you that God has someone out there for you, and that patience is key in a situation like this.
A few years back I didn’t want to spend Valentine’s Day alone, so I asked a friend, and we talked a couple of acquaintances we knew into going out for the night. Our original plan was to go bowling, grab some food there, and maybe see a movie. When we arrived at the bowling alley there was a four and a half hour wait. We shook it off and decided to just see an earlier showtime for the movie. When we got to the theater though every showing was sold out. In hindsight I realized we should have bought tickets earlier, but it hadn’t crossed my mind at the time. So, there we were four acquaintances sitting in a car on Valentine’s Day unsure of what to do. Finally, my friend suggested we go to a Dutch bros. We all agreed that this was a solid idea and drove off to the nearest one. For the rest of the night, we just sat there talking, then talking turned to laughing and joking. I don’t think I ever laughed so hard in my life. I remember it being the best night I had in a while, and I am still quite close with everyone in that car.
All this to say, it may seem like a day revolving around love could be a downer for us single people. However, take this as a sign that even though you may not have a hot date on February 14th, going out even with an acquaintance could turn into a night you will never forget.