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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Fashion – “a popular trend, especially in styles of dress and ornament or manners of behavior” (Oxford Languages). In today’s society, where everyone is focused on following the latest trends, it’s important to remember to foster your own personal style. One of the best ways to do so is by shopping sustainably. In the spirit of Fashion Week, here are a few ways to shop sustainably for clothing. 

  1. Thrift 

This one may seem the most obvious, but it’s important! Thrifting helps clothes (and other objects) find new homes to be loved by others. One of my favorite places to thrift is Arizona Trading Company; they always have “new” items to browse through and their selection feels wide and ever changing. 

  1. Buy clothes from friends 

Hear me out for a second: have you always LOVED that one blue top your friend always wears? Have they recently told you they’re going to donate it or sell it? Ask if you can buy if off them! Normally when I buy clothes from friends, it’s significantly cheaper than going to a thrift store. Obviously if something is worn out, has a hole in it, or is damaged, don’t try to buy or sell it to a friend. But if it’s a good item of clothing in great condition, go for it. 

  1. Donate clothes

I’ve already hinted at this a bit, but donating clothes is a great way to keep the cycle of thrifting clothing! Sometimes, depending on where you donate clothes, they’ll even pay you a little too. It’s an easy way to clean out your closet and make a few extra dollars. 

  1. Buy pieces that last 

Buying pieces that are high quality and will last a long time are important. Oftentimes I get make fun of for buying the same colors of clothing, basic t-shirts and “boring” jeans, but this way I really have an endless supply of high quality items that are going to last me a lot longer. While buying a leather jacket isn’t always the most animal friendly way to shop, a leather jacket will last way longer than a pleather jacket (and this creates less waste in the process). In addition to that, buying leather shoes (like Doc Martens) can last years! I have a family member who has had theirs since the 90s and they still are in great shape. 

  1. Stay away from fast fashion 

Lastly, stay away from fast fashion. I know SHEIN is so tempting, especially when you’re on a budget, but it’s only going to last you two wears then be ruined. The clothes are cheaply and poorly made through and through. It can honestly become a waste of money too. Why buy $50 worth of clothing that’s going to last you a month rather than a nice $50 pair of staple shoes that will last you years? Buying clothes that are high quality will 1) last you a long time and 2) limit waste. Also, shopping fast fashion is one of the most exploitative forms of labor… so maybe think about that next time you’re browsing SHEIN or other fast fashion websites. 

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