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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

“Young lady, you should smile more”

I was told at 15 by my high school principal

Because the face I wore was not happy

According to him, my default setting should have been smiling

Or I’m hostile


A bitch


Bitch (derogatory): a pejorative slang word for a woman

It means someone who is belligerent, unreasonable, malicious, controlling, aggressive, or dominant

That’s what Wikipedia calls the face I wear when I am on my way to class

The face of a resting bitch


Because when I’m not actively smiling or happy, or full of life

I’m rude and aggressive

When I am emotionally neutral 

As I am 99% of the time

I’m a bitch


I’m capable of emotion, contrary to popular belief

I just don’t show it all the time

The wave of dispassion that follows after an animated conversation

Isn’t me filled with disgust or annoyance

It’s my face is returning to its original, neutral position

I am at rest

Not a bitch

Risa Bhutani is a junior at Michigan State University studying accounting. She is also the events director for Her Campus at Michigan State and enjoys creating core memories for people in the chapter through events. She is a fan of reality TV, true crime, reading, and hiking in her spare time.