Get ready to fall in love…
Recently, I started watching the popular TV show New Girl on Netflix. I started it because I needed something to watch before I went to bed and I did not know how much I would fall in love with the show. New Girl follows the life of Jessica Day and her three male roommates, Schmidt, Winston and Nick. It is hilarious and witty, and I am completely obsessed.
One character that I have become particularly fond of is Nick Miller. Nick Miller appears to be the opposite of a dream man at the beginning of the show, as he is an unemployed law school dropout with anger issues. After getting to know Nick, however, I have no doubt that you will fall in love with him. Here are some reasons why Nick Miller is our dream man, shown through eight of his iconic quotes.
1. He is sweet and sensitive.
“I once saw a zebra named Gavin give birth at the zoo and I cried hysterically.”
2. He is not afraid to be himself.
“I am not gonna get sick. Not a germ can live in a body that is 65% beer.”
3. He is a talented fiction writer.
“I am not convinced that I know how to read. I have just memorized a lot of words.”
4. He loves the Chicago Bears.
“Hi, my name is Nicholas Miller and I am an American from Chicago.”
5. He knows how to live life without spending a dime.
“I’ll be rich. Like, fill my gas tank up all the way rich.”
6. He rocks the dad bod but gets the prettiest girls.
“I am not a successful adult. I don’t eat vegetables and/or take care of myself.”
7. He is up for anything.
“Would I do it again? Probably. Do I regret it? Yes.”
8. He can make a great cocktail.
“I can’t believe I am the sober one. That’s actually never happened in my life.”
Hopefully after reading these quotes, you are as obsessed with Nick Miller as I am! If you ever need a feel-good show, I highly recommend watching New Girl for more Nick Miller laughs and love.