In the past few months, I’ve absolutely fallen in love with the band Caamp. I’m not one to love every song by an artist, but I’m convinced that Caamp can do no wrong.
If you like other artists like The Lumineers, Mt. Joy, Vance Joy, and James Bay, then you’ll love Caamp, too.
They’re also going on tour with The Lumineers on the BRIGHTSIDE World Tour this summer, and I desperately want to go (and if you do too, you should definitely hit my line!).
I love listening to their music, so I made it my mission to listen to all of it as an excuse to rate it all for you. I originally set out to rank each song from my least to best favorite, but that just proved too challenging. Instead, I’ve separated them into five categories going from average to outstanding.
And without further ado, here are my thoughts.
Average – Although these songs are the lowest on my list, I think that none of them are bad songs by any means. These are simply songs that didn’t hit the mark for me. There is something about them that generally makes me press skip when they come on.
“Officer of Love”
“On & On & On”
“Just Wonderin”
“Mockingbird Song”
“John Henry”
Good – In the loosest sense possible, these are my two star songs. These are songs that I enjoy, but don’t particularly wow me. It includes “Believe” their newest single release from a few weeks ago because I enjoy it, but the lyrics and composition of it don’t amaze me in ways much of their other music does. That is generally true for most of these songs.
“Alone (Live at Red Rocks)”
“Keep the Blues Away”
“Peach Fuzz”
“Autumn Leaves”
“Great Heights”
Great – These are songs I enjoy quite a lot. Although they’re not on my playlists, when I listen to Caamp’s full discography, these are songs I recognize and enjoy listening to again and again. Maybe in due time, they’ll get stuck in my head and move up in the categories.
“Square One”
“Fall, Fall, Fall”
“Huckleberry Love”
“Song for a Friend”
“Full Moon Song”
“Down the River”
“Keep Going”
Amazing – These are a mix of my favorite songs that are on the fringes of my playlists. Some of them are included in my personal mixes, while others I’m starting to know the words of, but for whatever reason haven’t included them in my personal collection. Nonetheless, I enjoy all of these songs quite a bit and just need a bit more time to get to know them before they become my favorites.
“Feels Like Home”
“No Sleep”
“Send the Fisherman”
“Wolf Song”
“By and By”
“Common Man”
“So Cool”
All-Time Favorites – This category includes all of the five-star, greatest-of-great songs. Most of these are songs I’ve known for quite some time and repeatedly find myself going back to. If you’re going to listen to anything from this article, please make it one of these 11 songs. As a whole, there are a lot of different vibes covered here, so you’re sure to find something you enjoy.
“Penny, Heads Up”
“So Long, Honey”
“See the World”
“All the Debts I Owe”
“Hey Joe”
“Going to the Country”
“Of Love and Life”
And that concludes my rankings of Caamp’s discography.
Thankfully, there will be more to add to this list in the near future. The album Lavender Days comes out June 24, which means I’m counting down the days until I can hear new music from my new favorite band. Until then, I’ll be playing my favorites on replay and searching for concert tickets.
Happy listening!