Change can be intimidating, there’s no denying that. Facing new endeavors and leaving behind the past is something that happens to everyone at least a few times in their life. Whether it’s starting a new job, graduating, moving to a new state, or even something as simple as changing your hair, change unleashes an array of different emotions.
I’ve always struggled with change in my life, I’m a rather emotional person and significant changes tend to trigger that even more. Being a few weeks out from my college graduation where I’m about to enter such a transitional period of life has put me through a whirlwind of different feelings. I’m excited, of course, but I’m so feeling kind of sad that this part of my life is coming to an end.
Change brings on the unexpected, that’s why it’s so intimidating. Not knowing what’s going to happen next or how something is going to play out is scary, and understandably so. Changing the stigma on change in your life is one of the healthiest things you can do because it really doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
A lot of people tend to find comfort in a routine because it’s your “normal” and you know what to expect, which is definitely the type of person I am. Although I’m slightly terrified of growing up and graduating and finding an adult job, part of that is so exciting too. Not knowing what’s next is also thrilling, because I know for a fact that whatever I end up doing or where I end up going that everything will be good.
Putting yourself in uncomfortable situations and stepping outside of your comfort zone to experience and try new things is vital in growing as a person. Without change, everything would stay stagnant, and that sounds so incredibly boring when you really think about it. Typically, you’ll never end up regretting trying something new, even if it doesn’t work out, you’ll always be able to say you at least tried.
All of this sounds really cheesy but it’s so true. I’ve been dealing with my emotions for the past couple of weeks about moving out of my college town where all my friends are, but I’m just starting to realize that this is just a routine part of life. One year from now I could be in a completely different place and be just as happy if not even more, and that’s what is so great about change, you never really know.
Although change in your life can evoke a lot of anxiety and unwanted emotions, it’s best to find peace in not knowing what’s next. A better life, job, home, situation, or whatever it is could be on its way to you, but you won’t know until you take the necessary steps to get to them. Holding yourself back because you’re afraid of the outcome is only putting a pause on your life so embrace the unexpected.