Clear your schedule, because today we’re talking about the zodiac signs most likely to spread themselves too thin. In Signs Of The Times, Her Campus gets all of the dirty details about the signs directly from astrologers. Today, Joshua MacGuire, AKA Joshua the Psychic, who is the highest-rated psychic by Time Out New York and offers psychic-astrology readings via phone and Zoom, shares which three signs are most likely to bite off more than they can chew.
Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. Long ago, the three pillars lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the art of the girlboss took over. Only the concept of time management, master of the three pillars, could stop it. But when these three zodiac signs needed it the most, it vanished.
Okay, Avatar the Last Airbender reference aside, many of us are all-too-familiar with the concept of “girlbossing too close to the sun.” And while being booked and busy can be validating and affirming, it can also wreak havoc on our personal lives. Between starting our own businesses, juggling school work, or making too many extra-curricular plans, it’s common to bite off more than we can chew. And, as a result, we can experience that feeling of being spread a bit too thin–and these zodiac signs know the feels all too well.
Got trouble saying “no” to commitments? Find yourself biting off more than you can chew? Let’s check out if the stars can explain it. These are the three zodiac signs most likely to spread themselves too thin:
Fire signs are known for being loyal, so it’s no surprise that the fiercely committed Leo is the first on our list. According to MacGuire, “Leo is one of the heroes of the zodiac. They have a lot of pride and don’t like admitting when something’s beyond their stretch; they may try to save the day at the detriment to themselves.”
Whether they double-book themselves, sign onto too many projects, or agree to a task last minute, you can typically find Leos taking on more than they handle. We know you can do it, but it doesn’t mean you should. You don’t always have to be the hero, babe.
If there’s one thing a Pisces knows how to do, it’s give. And sometimes (let’s be honest: always), they can find themselves giving too much and overextending themselves completely.
“Being the most compassionate sign of the zodiac, Pisces can sometimes be a martyr, not taking their own needs into account when trying to help others,” MacGuire tells Her Campus. “They also have trouble setting boundaries and saying ‘no,’ which can lead to them being overtaxed.”
Don’t cry when I tell you this, bestie, but you really should take some time for yourself. You don’t have to commit to everything–nobody will hate you for putting yourself first.
Surprise (not really)! Another fire sign on the list! As mentioned before, fire signs are known for being committed, loyal, and forward. However, this can often lead them to take on too much.
“Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius can have a “superhero” complex,” MacGuire says. “This makes them overestimate how much they can actually handle.” To my Sagittarius’s out there, know when it’s time to hang up that superhero cape in exchange for some much needed you-time. You deserve it.