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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Dear Freshman Year Me,

After four years of pushing yourself and working hard, you did it. You made it to the end of your senior year and are starting to prepare for graduation and your future. Just like I’m about to, you are starting a new chapter yourself with the beginning of college. The beginning is going to be a little hard. You’re going to have to adjust to the college scene and may struggle at times, but coming from me at the end of the finish line, trust me when I say you’ll be just fine.

College is going to push you out of your comfort zone and help you be the person you want to be. You are going to meet the best people and create some of the best friendships you ever had. You are going to have an amazing support system who is always there for you and knows when you need to let go of your school work stress and go have fun. You are going to become a part of things you either always saw yourself doing or never saw yourself doing, and they will benefit you and teach you so much about yourself and your ability to be a leader and a mentor to others. There will be some hard times, but remember to be kind to yourself and know you are working hard and it will pay off. Don’t let your stress overwhelm you.

The possibilities you are going to have by senior year are going to be amazing. You might even find yourself living a part of your dream. But for now, live in the moment and appreciate the fun you’re going to have. College is going to go by fast, and looking back, I am proud of myself for growing into the woman I want to be and learning more about myself everyday. Tell yourself you’re proud of where you are for me and stay optimistic and excited for your future. And when you start to form those bonds and friendships with the people that are always going to be there for you and make your college experience one to remember, thank them for me. Trust me, you’ll know who they are when you meet them and some may already be in your life. 

Have fun, younger me. I’ll see you at graduation.


Senior Year You

Shannon Egan

Montclair '22

Shannon is a Senior at Montclair State University majoring in Fashion studies. When she’s not in class or doing her assignments she can be seen styling new outfits, watching Netflix, practicing makeup looks, or hanging out with friends. She will be focusing on writing about fashion and beauty and is excited to share her knowledge on it.