The shock of graduating is finally hitting me. The campus I have called home for the past four years of my college career is no longer a part of my life, and I think I took my humble little college abode for granted. As I move back to my hometown to live with my parents again, I realize how much independence I had during my college career and how much of that independence I am going to miss. I had the privilege of waking up and going to bed whenever I chose, coming and going as I pleased, determining the arrangement and cleanliness of my living space, and choosing how and with whom I spent my free time. Any chores were done on my time, food was always accessible and free, and my best friends were only ten feet away.Â
The thought of losing this independence and lifestyle I have grown so accustomed to seems slightly suffocating. I will have to re-learn how to have a proper sleep and social schedule that does not disturb my parents, seeing that I will be living under their roof again. As overwhelming as starting this new chapter in my life might be, I am trying to look on the bright side. Maybe it is a good thing that I will have a healthy sleep and work routine, or that I will not have to worry about some stranger stealing my laundry, or have to pay for a roof over my head or for tuition, or have to pull all-nighters studying for exams. Maybe I will be relieved that I have my family right here next to me to catch me if anything goes wrong while I am on my post-graduate journey. Maybe I can remind myself to stop comparing other graduates’ progress to mine and learn to be supportive of everyone following different paths in life. Maybe I can hold onto the fact that this is just a chapter, and there will be another chapter following where I will have a new place of my own again, along with new friends and neighbors and careers.Â
Until then, I am so thankful for everything I got to experience during these last four, wild, busy, confusing, overwhelming, scary, wonderful, memorable, amusing, loving, comical, iconic, amazing years. College will always be one of my favorite chapters, now onto the next.