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Ada Kendall

NCSU '27

Ada Kendall is a freshman at NC State, pursuing a major in English Literature. This is her first year as a writer for Her Campus.
Before joining Her Campus, Ada worked an array of jobs from hostess to referee to elementary school TA. She plans to continue exploring as many professional fields as possible throughout undergrad. Writing has always been something Ada has enjoyed and excelled in. She hopes to refine and build her skills as a member of Her Campus. Her dream career would be to work as an art director for a large book publishing company.
Ada was born in Washington D.C. and attends NCSU as an out of state student. She loves to read, complete coloring books, and watch CodyKo. She is both a taurus and an older sister, constantly at battle with her virgo younger brother. She loves the color pink, spring-time, the movie LaLa Land, and Kali Uchis.