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Aranza M Santiago Díaz

UPR '17

I'm Aranza Santiago, new writer at the UPR Chapter. Mostly interested in writing relatable articles that peers can come to in order to get some insight in topics like anxiety, the realities of academia, how to have low budget fun, etc. My articles will try to bring some new perspectives on rather common topics, there can never be enough perspectives and i'm ready to get show people all about them. As far as experience writing, these will be my first publications.

I'm a third year student. A Humanities Major, my concentration is in Interdisciplinary Studies with an emphasis in Prejudicial Studies. I'm a member of different student organizations, such as, the Pre-Law Society at UPR-Rio Piedras Campus, the University Feminist Association (AFU in spanish), and lastly a three year member of the university choir.

When i'm not focused on studying or anything University related, I mostly like to hang out with friends and /or family. One of my hobbies I share with mostly my friends is i review brunch places and have a very detailed list of how I think they should be rated. The biggest thing in any brunch place for me, is the COFFEE. If you don't drink coffee, what are you doing. I also love to write poetry and read poetry, its a really beautiful art form. Obviously, I love museums. Something pretty niche about me, is that I love to read biographies of people in history who are like puppet masters or chess players. People that aren't the starts of the show, but the genius behind the curtain.

Other than that, hope you enjoy what I have to say, and always aspire to be the genius behind the curtain.