Bridget Bauman is a member of the NCSU chapter of Her Campus. She is a freshman at State just starting her first year writing for Her Campus. She is looking forward to the new oportunities this magazine provides and the ability to develop her skills as a writer.
Bridget graduated from East Chapel Hill High School last June, where she worked for her school's yearbook, was a member of the orchestra, and got involved in serval clubs like the knitting club. Now living on the other side of the triangle, she is majoring in textile technology at the Wilson College of Textiles and hopes to keep up many of the same interests she first discovered in high school. She also hopes to get involved with research and study abroad while in undergrad.
In her free time Bridget enjoys being creative through writing or pottery, relaxing with a good book or TV show, and occasionally watching NC State or UNC football. She also loves nature and likes hiking the small trails in her area. After graduating she does not have any super clear career plans, although she is interested in the research/product development part of the fashion or textile industry. She would also like to stay in North Carolina postgrad if possible.