Bushra is a fourth year student at Carleton University and a contributing writer for HerCampus publishing stories regarding Health and Wellness.
After completing her BSc Honours in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Ottawa, Bushra became the youngest staff member of a healthcare research start-up in Ottawa. She has extensive laboratory and applied sciences research experience and now focuses her efforts on program evaluations and the strategic analysis of new healthcare initiatives within Canada.
Bushra has always been fascinated with human nature and social psychology; as a result, she decided to pursue a BA Honours in Psychology. Bushra studies while concurrently working in the healthcare industry, in order to fuel her interest in "humans" as she would say. Bushra has many career aspirations for the future, at once they ranged from astronaut to zookeper; however, for now, she has decided to pursue an MBA in the UK.
Bushra can often be found sipping lattes in a Starbucks in downtown Ottawa or trekking across the Carleton University campus in her multicoloured hijabs. Feel free to flash a smile, send an e-mail or even, say hello!