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Courtney Cianflone

SBU '28

Courtney Cianflone is a new member of the Her Campus at St.Bonaventure University. She is ready and excited to write articles about women in pop-culture, positions of leadership, and in male dominated fields of work. Women's empowerment has always been something that she held close to her heart. Courtney has always been an advocate for women, especially those who do not always have the confidence to speak up on their own.

Courtney is a new freshman studying marketing at St.Bonaventure University and has wanted to join Her Campus the moment she learned about it. Outside of Her Campus, she has been accepted into the Chamber Singers, a select choir on campus. In addition, she is planning on joining a group on campus that visits the local SPCA to volunteer to help with the upkeep of the facility and taking care of the animals there.

Outside of campus, Courtney enjoys playing guitar and singing. Music has always been a big part of her life. She also loves spending quality time with friends and family. She really enjoys writing and reading, so Her Campus is the perfect fit for her! Not only is she excited to start college, but she is excited to get involved with the sisterhood that is brought together in Her Campus.