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Daisy Teale

KCL '25

Daisy is an Editor of the Culture section at Her Campus at King's College London, overseeing articles on the latest in entertainment, politics and news. After editing for the Style section last year, she's excited to get back to work again, and learn all about her new area of focus!

Daisy is in her third-year of her BA in English Literature. This past summer, Daisy worked as a volunteer for Oxfam, Housing Projects and the Hay literary festival, where she learnt all of the hard work and dedication that goes into running a charity. After university, she would like to pursue a career that would allow her to continue help others on a larger scale. She also has a keen interest in the publishing industry and is hoping to find a way to merge those two passions together.

In her free time, Daisy is an avid reader of classics and horror novels, enjoys exploring the parks of London, and window-shopping. Her favourite location in London is Waterstones Piccadilly, where she could probably spend hours browsing. She is also a passionate cinephile, and is unable to resist an impromptu trip to the local cinema on a rainy day, so is especially excited to be working in the Culture section this year!

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