Over the past 5 years, I've honed my hardworking and efficient skills through various internships, starting from the age of 14. These experiences have provided me with practical knowledge beyond the classroom, allowing me to apply my skills effectively in real-world scenarios.
Opportunities including the chance to start my own programming for kids and teens, has allowed me to have creative freedom and learn about what it takes to be an entrepreneur and what comes with starting something new. Throughout the process of starting my programming, I found my passion for the marketing aspects of organizations.
In the past few years, learning about marketing in my numerous internships and jobs I have learned about how I love to promote things I am passionate about. I love collaborating with others and spreading awareness about things I love. Through sharing my own experiences, posting graphics, and writing blogs I can share with my network and beyond. I want to join HerCampus to boost my marketing skills and get involved with brands I love!
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