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Hannah-Lilly Orozco

UCD '27

Hi everyone!!
My Name is Hannah-Lilly and I am currently a 2nd year at University of California Davis. I am double majoring in Communications and Spanish. Coming from a tiny highschool with a graduating class of 48 students I learned to be authentically myself even in restrictive environments. In this restrictive environment I learned the importance of prioritizing bonds with my friends and professors which later evoked my love of writing and expressing my opinion as an outlet.

I grew up in Los Angeles, California which never failed to share the beautiful and terrifying juxtapositions of life. Because of these diverse environments I quickly realized life can change in an instant. These realizations have made me appreciate everyday even more and focus on the beauty all around me. This beauty includes society, nature, culture and art.

Apart from my school life however I have always been an opinionated person budding my nose where it doesn't belong. Constantly I overwhelm my friends with observations that later become fully fleshed out writings. I am no stranger to writing think-pieces in my diary that are derived from movies I'm in love with to personal essays analyzing how my experiences have changed me for the better. I love reflecting on all things nitty gritty and hope you follow me along for the journey. -xoxo Hannah-Lilly