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Isabella Zine

Vassar '27

Isabella is a sophomore at Vassar College and comes from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Academically, she is pursuing a bachelor's degree with a Media Studies major, and two minors: one in Arabic Language and Culture and the other in Migration and Displacement Studies. Outside of the classroom, she works as a tour guide, is Vice President of the Middle Eastern and North African Student Association (as a Lebanese and Palestinian-American Student) and is a passionate member of Knitwits, a knitting and crocheting club.

Isabella's topics of interest include fashion, interior design, self-help, and truly anything about popular culture. She also loves international news and its relevance to us here on US campuses.

Aside from writing, academics, and extracurriculars, you'll find Isabella passing her time painting, crocheting, reading, working on her photography, and going on bike rides.

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