Kailanis Rodríguez is an editor at Her Campus University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Chapter since 2022. She likes to sit at night and edit articles, and see what others have to share with the world. These interests are fueled by her passion for writing, editing, and arts.
Beyond Her Campus, Kailanis is a fourth-year English student with a minor in French, music, and writing and communications. She is also a board member of the University’s French association Cercle Francophone, which focuses on immersing students in the French language and culture through learning and activities.
Outside of academics, Kailanis enjoys listening to music from her favorite artists and bands like Paramore, writing poems and songs, playing instruments, singing, watching TV or anime, and trying new arts and crafts. Her interests in music go beyond hobbies, as she plays guitar, violin, and ukulele, with a general knowledge of music as she would like to pursue music production and performance. She also enjoys researching and staying up to date with situations around the world, politics, women’s rights, and LGBTQ+ rights.