Kyla L. Wright is a sophomore journalism major, marketing minor at Hampton University. Born and raised in the city of Detroit, Kyla was fortunate to receive many opportunities to be a spokesperson for the many organizations that she was apart of -- which is how she discovered her passion for writing and public speaking. In high school, Kyla took many journalism classes, attended journalism-based camps, and even won journalistic awards. Upon entering college, Kyla jumped into her field rather quickly. She thrived in her journalism classes at Hampton, began writing for her university newspaper, the Hampton Script, and even started her own blog, which could be found at . Recently, Kyla was honored to find out she had made the list of "Hampton U Brands" for being a blogger on campus. Kyla is very active on her campus, as she's a member of the SGA's Women's Caucus, a Resident Assistant (RA), and of course is a YouTuber and writer for HerCampus. Upon graduation from Hampton, Kyla would like to attend The University of Georgia or The University of Oxford. Ultimately, Kyla wants to use her voice as a journalist to give back to her community and bring others up with her. She loves seeing others succeed, especially young women who are told that they cannot.