Laura is the current treasurer of the Her Campus chapter of Emory University in Atlanta and is studying computer science. Previously, she had been the secretary of the OC Emory University Her Campus chapter from 2018-2019. Laura views her surroundings through a creative lens. She strived to use her love for innovation to bring a lively paper to her audience when she was Editor-in-chief and layout designer of her high school newspaper, The Hitching Post. Both math and writing impassion her, and the fusion of her two loves can be seen in her many STEM articles. In her free time, Laura likes to sing opera, learn new languages, works on novels and poetry, and explores new places with her friends. Whether it's Atlanta or Manhattan, she will never withdraw from an opportunity for adventure. Sarcastic jokes are her Achilles heel. You can not only find her articles all over Her Campus, but also on the Emory Wheel.
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