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Layla Cross

Baylor '26

My name is Layla Cross and I am from the DFW area. I have a Classically trained educational background and am currently an English major with a minor in Journalism at Baylor University. I absolutely adore the art of writing, of which I have continued to hone my craft over the long stretch of my life and will forever tenaciously be happy to perfect the skills I’ve learned over the years.

In addition for my love of English, I am passionate about communicating the culture around us and breaking it down into smaller bites for everyone to truly see and be knowledgeable over, so that they can self reflect in their own unique lives. I’ve always had a fierce drive to study society while also working towards enhancing our world, thereby refining ourselves day by day with what we know and utilizing such tools. The epitome of a well lived life, in my mind, is being willfully opened to growth; what better way to do so than by analyzing what we see every day around us?

Before I ramble any further, as a truth seeker, I’m also a bonafide lover of pop culture and the latest new hot trends; from books to fashion and film to music, I have a tendency to keep up with it all! The limelight and the art it creates has always fascinated me and I cannot wait every day to dive in deep to the depths of the iconic phrase: Life imitates art.

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