I'm Malena Stenvall and I am a second year at UC Santa Barbara! I am currently majoring in political science and have hopes to minor in French. Within UCSB, I was recently added to the Fashion Club team and am now a part of the PR team for Her Campus.
Interest wise, my main focuses are fashion, dance, reading, and anything beach related. I grew up right on the water in Pismo Beach, so I am so thankful that UCSB has incredible beach access too. I'm an avid reader and some of my favorite recent books have included 'Crying in H Mart,' 'Between Two Kingdoms,' and my absolute favorite, 'Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow.' I am currently attempting to finish the Lord of the Rings series (but struggling a bit). I grew up dancing, and although I just took a bit of a break, I am back to taking classes recreationally with hopes to re-fall in love with it. Lastly, I am very in everything fashion related. My end goal is to work in the fashion space, possibly in PR and advertising, so I am so excited to be in the Her Campus PR team!
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