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Mia Ussery

GCU '27

Hi! My name is Mia Ussery and I am a new member of Her Campus at GCU! I have lived in Bakersfield, California my whole life, and have grown up loving to travel and go to the beach. I love to spend time with my family, friends, and my dog! I enjoy listening to music, dancing, reading books, and going for walks! I love Taylor Swift and the Kardashians! I love surrounding myself in positive, supportive environments, which I know Her Campus will provide for me!
Throughout my life, I have grown up being in team environments. I played competitive soccer until high school and then I did two years of high school cheerleading. These taught me how to work as a team with others and the ability to compromise. I also did ASB which taught me how to take responsibility of my work. I am super excited to be a member of Her Campus, because it provides a safe environment with other women and I have the ability to promote my writing! I also am super excited to meet new people and see all of the other women’s amazing work! I love having the ability to promote this magazine to other women on campus and connect with people through writing!

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