Montana is a fourth year English Literature and French student and Travel Editor for HCX. She recently spent her year abroad in Paris interning in journalism and marketing for the International Herald Tribune and Twenga respectively. Her year abroad highlights include running the Paris half marathon, attending H&M's A/W 2013 fashion show and watching the women's semi-finals at the French Open. Montana also keeps a blog where she updates her readers on everything from travel and cultural outings to food and French men. When she's not accidentally offending French people with her unsubtle sarcasm, Montana can be found singing along to musical soundtracks, eating too much cheese, quoting Mean Girls, putting on a half-convincing American accent or lusting after anything purple. She's also a keen skiier and occasionally enjoys waterskiing and scuba-diving too. Montana's dream is to travel the world one day so she is thrilled to be Travel Editor for HCX this year and can't wait to start up the new section!