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Tracy Wang

Pitt '28

I am currently a freshman at the University of Pittsburgh and plan to double major in literature and statistics. In my daily life, I love to read and write, and I always put my imagination into my writing. In particular, detective fiction is my favorite, the logical process of finding evidence and then deducing it, and the thrill of it all. Life is boring some times, and when tired of such silence you need something exciting to mobilize the weary nerves.

I also write original songs, including lyrics and music, in a variety of genres, and the music brings me a sense of relaxation and pleasure. It's the kind of relaxing moments that are needed in a noisy, busy life to make life alive again. I've been playing in various bands since high school, including orchestra and jazz band, and I've always been a keyboardist. The fact that we would play multiple instruments on keyboards while occasionally I would be the percussionist. The activity I enjoy the most is the winter musical theater.

I want the world to be filled with love and peace. The world is always so busy and disturbing, and if one day the light belonging to peace shines on the whole world, I think people will feel relieved.