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Food Website for College Students!

If you’ve ever read my blogs before, you know I’m passionate about food. In my quest to find new and interesting recipes, I’m guilty of spending hours surfing the web, trying to come up with my next creation. I recently came across the site Small Kitchen College and think my fellow collegiette™ foodies will love it as much as I do.

For those of you who are tired of getting excited over the most delectable cookie recipe, only to realize that you’re missing the necessary appliances and 3 ingredients, I think you’ll appreciate this website. As the name implies, Small Kitchen College is geared towards students who are limited in time, kitchen space, and budget. They feature tons of delicious recipes, many of which require little more than a microwave and a few basic ingredients. The site also has different guides according to mealtime, nutritional preferences, and cooking method, so you don’t have to waste time scouring through a bunch of unnecessary recipes (but if you’re looking for the perfect procrastination activity, be my guest!).

I hope you enjoy this site and please feel free to make any of your own food blog recommendations in the comment section below!

Nikki Fig is a Broadcast Journalism major at Emerson College. She writes, produces and reports for shows on several Emerson television stations and is a web writer for Emerson's lifestyle publication, Em Mag. She is also the Philanthropy Chair of Alpha Epsilon Phi and recently returned from a study abroad program in Israel. Nikki is graduating in May and plans to move back to New York City. She wants to pursue a career in journalism that will enable her to combine her love of fashion, travel and culture.