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13 Reasons Why Mindy & Danny Will Be AMAZING Parents

In the latest episode of The Mindy Project, Mindy gave birth to her and Danny’s son. Though she protested the entire episode for a scheduled C-section in the most lavish birthing suite we’ve ever laid eyes on, Baby C decided to come a bit early while Mindy was trapped on the subway. But Danny arrived just in time, and the episode ended with sweet little Leo Castellano making his TV debut. Here’s why we already know that Mindy and Danny will be amazing parents.

1. They’ll teach him valuable life lessons.

After all, they do have years of experience being lovable screw-ups.

2. Danny will be the practical dad.

Common sense will be his forte.

3. While Mindy will be the cool mom who shares the really important tips about how to survive this big, crazy world.

“Sneaky places to hide alcohol” isn’t exactly a skill you can put on your resume, but it’s vital nonetheless.

4. Food will always come first.

No two people are more obsessed with food than Mindy and Danny, so this kid will never have to worry about where his next meal is coming from.

5. Leo will learn how to be confident.

But in a cute, not at all annoying way.

6. Mindy and Danny are not afraid to fight a little.

Their best quality, if we do say so ourselves.

7. They’re willing to look silly.

Even if it isn’t exactly intentional.

8. Fun, kid-like activities are already on their list of favorite things to do.

Now they have a better excuse to ride—and fall off—the carousel.

9. Their baby will be a social media darling.

You know Mindy’s already deciding what filter Leo looks best in.

10. They’ll handle the tough situations with ease.

And if we’re lucky, a whole lot of comedic flair.

11. They’ll constantly be competing for the title of best parent.

Which will obviously make them both better.

12. They’re committed to making it work.

The engagement, the house. They’re the picture of domesticity, right?

13. Most of all, if they love him half as much as they love each other, that Leo is one lucky kid.

They already look pretty much head over heels for this guy.

Erin was previously the Entertainment Editor of Her Campus. She graduated from Belmont University in 2015, where she studied English and Elementary Education. Before joining the team full-time, she was a national contributing blogger, viral content writer and editorial intern at HC. In addition to her work for Her Campus, Erin was formerly an editorial assistant at Nfocus Magazine and has been published by HelloGiggles and Man Repeller. In her free time, you can find Erin falling for yet another TV boyfriend (her long list of ex-lovers includes Nathan Scott, Chuck Bass and Pacey Witter, to name a few), reading chick lit and/or celeb memoirs and hanging with her puppy/soulmate, Cooper.